Kayode's projects

Kayode Olumoyin,
Postdoctoral Fellow, Moffitt



Research Projects:


"Machine Learning Predictor of TIL expansion in patients' bladder tumors"

joint project with experimental lab of Shari Pilon-Thomas and clinical group of Michael Poch, Moffitt


AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Translating Cancer Evolution and Data Science: The Next Frontier, Boston, MA, December 3-6th 2023, poster: "An Early Determination of Patients Eligibility for a Bladder Cancer Immunotherapy using a Data Science Approach"



May 2023, Moffitt Scientific Symposium, May 17th 2023, poster: "A Machine Learning Protocol for Predicting Expansion of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Patients’ Bladder Tumors"



April 2023, IMO Research in Progress seminar, Kayode presented his work: "Learning to predict from patients' bladder tumors"